
Buncheong Teaware

This plate and teapot are set in a single tone to achieve uniformity, while the tone of each tea cup varies, making them the focal point of the set.

  • Excellent cultural
    Product Program

    The Excellent cultural Product Program grants the “K- RIBBON” mark in the shape of a traditional Hanbok knot to excellent cultural products that possess Korea's unique cultural values. It is aimed at creating a “Korea Premium” concept through systematic management and brand marketing activities

Gisundo soy sauce (기순도), a product in the K-Ribbon Selection's Hansik category, is a delicious condiment made using a 10-month traditiona...read more

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Mother-of-pearl lacquered wall clock

A wall-mount clock that features a modern rendition of traditional mother-of-pearl lacquer techniques. Creates an elegant mood wherever it is placed.

Scented candle in lotus flower vase shape

A scented candle made with soy wax and organic beeswax that is shaped just like a traditional flower vase (with cherry blossom design).

Healthy and Peaceful Life ― White Cat Wireless Earphone Case

Made by creating colorful, auspicious images inspired by traditional folk paintings in the traditional way (with mulberry paper or silk and powdered paint) and printed onto the case as a digital image.

GeunJeongJeon Design Tapes

A set of tapes that are stacked (bottom to top) according to the order in which visitors view Geunjeongjeon, from the eye-level flower-latticed doors to the rafters at the top of the roof.

Seven-piece Korean Cultural Heritage Wipe Set

A set of cleaning wipes that each feature one of seven famous Korean cultural heritage properties that have been restored with digital printing technologies. Made with microfiber cloth and easy to carry around.

GAHA Hunminjeongeum, Korean Script Design Envelope

Blends shapes of Hangeul characters with a modern aesthetic to express the uniqueness and stylistic sophistication of the Korean alphabet. All envelopes feature a simple, clean-cut design.

Myeongsa gat brooch

A brooch that beautifully visualizes the shape of a traditional men’s horsehair hat in an easily usable modern format. 92.5-percent silver.

Hanji Book ― Symbol

Applies silkscreen printing to traditional Korean mulberry paper to create a product that is brightly colored and features a clear graphic design.

Gollyongpo Glass

White porcelain cups designed based on the only surviving three royal portraits of the Joseon dynasty. Features the embroidered patches worn by each king on his royal robe.