Design Products  >  2017

Taekwondo Blankets

  • Company NameHow Company
  • Designated Year2017
  • Designation NumberDP1708
  • Price InformationKRW19,000


How Company designs products for foreign tourists. Its “Taekwon Knee Blanket” defies the traditional image of Taewondo through a witty and bright character that adorns the blanket. As a result, Taekwondo takes on a much more accessible and friendlier image. The blanket can be used as a gift for children and tourists, and it also serves as a great cultural product. When the blanket is rolled up and put inside the Taekwondo doll, it can also be used as a pillow, cushion, or a design object. In the future, How Company plans to further use the Taekwondo figure in its towels and handkerchief.

Product Information

A lap blanket disguised as a Taekwondo character doll, made with high-quality materials produced in Korea. These cute characters were designed after the artist’s young children.