Hanbok  >  2018

kids Magoja(outer) & Vest

  • Company NameHanbit store
  • Designated Year2018
  • Designation NumberHB1811
  • Price InformationKRW98000
    Vest : KRW58,000
    Magoja(outer) : KRW98,000


Hanbok is a Korean culture, and culture should not be seen only at a certain point in time, but should be close to our daily life and accessible from very young ages. That is how the idea of this Hanbok was created that even toddlers can wear beautifully. The company wishes that the beauty of Hanbok will get across to people.

Product Information

This Hanbok for kids shows the beauty of Hanbok with its simple and gentle curves, and has a practical combination of traditional and modern fabrics.


Yoo Hyeon-Hwa

Cotton blended fabrics

Distributor Name

Hanbit store