Handicraft  >  2020


  • Company NameStudio oll&all
  • Designated Year2020
  • Designation NumberCR2008
  • Price Informationⓐ Y04C: KRW 285,000 ⓑ YN01: KRW 145,000 ⓒ YC01: KRW 185,000 ⓓ YP02: KRW 225,000


Inspired by traditional Korean instruments that use their bodies as a resonating chamber, this speaker serves as a cellphone holder and amplifier.

ⓐ Y04C: 330×75×120mm ⓑ YN01: 210×60×100mm ⓒ YC01: 220×70×210mm ⓓ YP02: 210×90×200mm

Mother-of-pearl, lacquer, wood

Distributor Name

Studio oll&all