Handicraft  >  2018

Lacquered T-spoon and fork series

  • Company NameChilmong
  • Designated Year2018
  • Designation NumberHC3-1805
  • Price Informationteaspoon/tea fork/knife KRW9,400~30,000 long-handled teaspoon KRW11,500~30,000
    [Nature] Teaspoon/ tea fork/ jam knife KRW9,400, long-handled teaspoon KRW11,500
    [Beautiful Land] Teaspoon/ tea fork/ jam knife KRW9,900, long-handled teaspoon KRW12,100
    [Pureness] Teaspoon/ tea fork/ jam knife KRW16,500, long-handled teaspoon KRW18,500
    [Milky Way] Teaspoon/ tea fork/ jam knife KRW27,500, long-handled teaspoon KRW30,000
    [Wave] Teaspoon/ tea fork/ jam knife KRW30,000, long-handled teaspoon KRW33,000


This product is the same product line as the lacquered spoon designated as an Excellent Cultural Product in 2017. The company has developed ideas and introduced a variety of cutleries. This product is inspired by Korean lines that are found in Korean traditional costume and architecture styles.

Product Information

These products are made sturdily so that consumers would feel comfortable to grab them in their hands.

Teaspoon 27×160×10 (㎜)
Tea fork 13×160×10 (㎜)
Jam knife 21×160×8 (㎜)
Long-handled teaspoon 24×195×10 (㎜)

Ebony, birch, maple tree, Rosales, East Asian hophornbeam

Distributor Name
