Handicraft  >  2018

Nubi Flower Basket

  • Company NameByoryang
  • Designated Year2018
  • Designation NumberHC4-1801
  • Price InformationKRW52,000


It was hard for the commoners to get hold of diverse and beautiful fabrics, so they used cotton, which was easy to get, to make their clothes. Also, they sewed quilted clothes to get through winter. Korean people used to be known as the “white-clad folk” for their love for white clothes. Keeping this in mind, the artist designed quilted flower petals using white cotton, and no petal designs are the same. These quilted petals are put together to make a quilted mat and a quilted basket.

Product Information

The quilted petal mat is folded to make this three-dimensional quilted basket with the shape of a flower. This is a modern reinterpretation of traditional quilts.

175×175×210 (㎜)


Distributor Name
