Food  >  2018

Hongssangri cheongmaesil concentrate

  • Company NameGwangyang cheongmaesil Plantation
  • Designated Year2018
  • Designation NumberFD1801
  • Price InformationKRW52,000


Cheongmaesil Nongwon (literal translation: Green Plum Farm) is a traditional Korean green plum farm with the history of more than 80 years over three generations. Hong Ssang-Ri, known as a green plum master, is the second plum farmer at this farm, who has been cultivating the plums in an eco-friendly way and studying about them for the past 45 years with the belief that “the Earth should live for people to live.”

Product Information

The green plums are harvested, and their juice is pressed out. The extracted juice is filtered and then boiled down for three days to make plum concentrate. The concentrate is fermented and matured in a traditional earthenware pot.

150g, etc.


Hong Ssang-Ri

Plum concentrate made with green plums produced in Korea 100%

Distributor Name

Gwangyang cheongmaesil Plantation