Food  >  2018

andong jebiwon traditional Soybean Paste

  • Company NameAndong Jebiwon Traditional Food Co., Ltd.
  • Designated Year2018
  • Designation NumberFD1805
  • Price InformationKRW17,000


Some history books state that doenjang (soybean paste) was introduced to our neighboring country China. Chinese said that Koreans were good at fermented food, and they called our doenjang “Koryochwi”, or the scent of Koryo (an old Korean kingdom established in 918). There are a lot of records stating that the paste was also introduced to Japan around the 8th and 9th centuries. One of the evidences is the term “si” (referring to meju, a fermented soybean block used to make doenjang) used in the Taiho Ritsuryo (Taiho code enacted in 701) of Japan. Also, we have a document from the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897) that specifically writes about how to make the paste. According to a book called Guhwangboyubang (1660), meju at that time was made with soybeans and wheat, which is very different from today’s meju. The recipe of making meju with soybeans first appeared in an agricultural book called Jeungbosallimgyeongje, and it has formed the basis of today’s doenjang recipe. The effect of this pas

Product Information

100% soybeans produced in Korea have been boiled in a cast iron cauldron with firewood, and then the boiled beans were dried to make meju. The soybean block is fermented under the blanket in a red clay room. It is put in a jar, and then the jar lid is open and closed every day to ferment it properly. This traditional doenjang is ready after one year and a half of this process.



Choi Myeong-Hui

Beans (soybeans produced in Korea)

Distributor Name

Andong Jebiwon Traditional Food Co., Ltd.