Food  >  2018


  • Company NameGalgol Corp.
  • Designated Year2018
  • Designation NumberFD1807
  • Price InformationKRW10,000


Master Choi Bong-Seok, the first Grand Master of Korean Food in the field of Hangwa (traditional Korean confections) and an intangible cultural heritage of Gangwon Province, still makes handmade Hangwa sticking to the traditional recipes and techniques that have been passed down in the Choi family of Gangneung for 150 years over five generations, which give deep and rich flavors of the nature.

Product Information

Made with sweet rice fermented in the natural fermentation method, which requires sincere efforts for up to 30 days, this traditional Hangwa is soft and easy to digest.

130g of Hangwa


Choi Bong-Seok

Sweet rice (produce of Korea), rice (produce of Korea), sesame (produce of Korea), black sesame (produce of Korea), black rice (produce of Korea), cooking oil, grain syrup, bean flour

Distributor Name

Galgol Corp.